Fairmont High School prioritises offering their learners an opportunity to create themselves through strong academic, cultural, supporting and leadership activities. To keep a record of all information regarding learners and their performance, Fairmont needed a system that will be effective. Their previous admin system did not allow for multiple-user access which was time-consuming and created difficult challenges to meet. However, Staffroom provided an all-in-one system for them, centralising all information about the learners and parents in one place.

The Challenge

Fairmont High School’s previous student admin system did not allow for multiple-user access. This meant that they had to enter all marks for all learners in a very short time span. It also meant that student information was not readily available to all members of staff. They could only access the system from one specific computer in the school building. This was time-consuming and created very challenging deadlines to meet.

The Solution

Staffroom offers effective accessibility with easy online web-based delivery enabling availability anytime, anywhere, & on any device with simple workflows that make administration, assessments and reporting easy and efficient while saving teachers time and effort. The Staffroom SIS (Student Information System) supplied solutions to Fairmont High School Challenges in the form of modules. The Infobase module supplied an organized format for the student, parent and staff information allowing the parent and students to be linked to each other.

The Result

Fairmont High School has walked the Staffroom journey for the past nine years and they haven’t looked back. What they like about the product is that for teachers it’s an admin-saver for enabling them to interact from any device, anywhere, to get the job done. Parents can track learners’ academic records throughout the term while being provided with a solid communication platform. A big positive for Fairmont is Staffroom’s excellent support channel with quick feedback and continuous development.

About Eiffel Corp

We have long-standing, trusted relationships with all 26 public universities and the largest private universities in South Africa and in addition, we are working with more than 450 other education institutions throughout Africa in empowering educators and learners to thrive. We are extremely proud of our ever-growing awards trophy cabinet and grateful for the recognition of the specialist work we deliver across Africa.