Claremont High School is an innovative Western Cape Education Department (WCED) school which strives to create an enabling and challenging environment focused on producing outstanding academic performance among pupils from backgrounds which do not typically allow access to the best quality education. They needed their information to be centralised and software that allows them to be able to access files from anywhere. The solution for their needs were Staffroom Accessibility which provided easy, online web-based delivery enabling availability anytime, anywhere, & on any device.

The Challenge

Information was not centralised – different files for student, parent and staff data, including email addresses, phone numbers, and student information. Claremont High School had to use an intranet to access a file to capture marks but had to be on the school premises to do so.

The Solution

Staffroom’s Infobase Module centralised all the information for students, parents and staff data kept on profiles which are easy to access and use for reports and communications. Having Staffroom allows users to be off-site to access all the data and capture marks for reporting purposes. This has made our teachers’ jobs easier and allowed us to accomplish our tasks more quickly

The Results

With Staffroom Claremont High is now able to access marksheets when they are not at school, unlike pre-Staffroom when they had them on a networked drive which required being in the building. They have centralised their marksheets from all the subjects. accessing student, staff and parent information has become quick and easy

About Eiffel Corp

We have long-standing, trusted relationships with all 26 public universities and the largest private universities in South Africa and in addition we are working with more than 450 other education institutions throughout Africa in empowering educators and learners to thrive. We are extremely proud of our ever-growing awards trophy cabinet and grateful for the recognition of the specialist work we deliver across Africa.