The Settlers High School has been acknowledged as a leading school in the Allan Gray Circle of Excellence. At Settlers, they believe in a balanced approach to education, focusing on our four pillars of Academics, Sport, Pastoral Care and Culture, and it prides itself on offering wonderful opportunities for all who attend the school. However, they struggled to administer student, parent, and staff information effectively. To solve this, The Settlers High School partnered with Staffroom, an integrated software suite that helps your school collect, store and share all the information about learners, parents and staff.

The Challenge

The school could not administer student, parent, and staff information effectively. For an overall profile of the students, it was difficult to be able to get a complete overview to assess the student’s progress and intervene should the student have needed it. Capturing marks to CEMIS at times problematic in a sense of not being able to confirm calculations and results.

The Solution

The Staffroom SIS (Student Information System) supplied solutions to Settlers High School challenges in the form of modules. The Infobase module supplied an organized format for the student, parent and staff information allowing the parent and students to be linked to each other. The Infobase, Assess and Insight modules in Staffroom allowed for the exporting and printing of documents with student and parent information that can be submitted to the WCED.

The Results

Since using Staffroom, The Settlers High School has been able to record and store all the student information in one place, cutting down on the use of paper and files as information is stored on the system and can be shared effortlessly. They can communicate easily with parents and learners, and communication between the school and parent is kept under the profile of a learner which is also great for intervention record keeping.

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